Ramon Casha 

Scholarship Scheme for Migrant Women

To help increase the employment chances of migrant women

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Ramon Casha Scholarship Scheme for Migrant Women

Humanists Malta

For further queries contact:

+356 79 373 986




Apply Online

When the Humanists Malta lost one of its most valid and strongest voices, Ramon Casha, we set up a scholarship fund in his name to promote education. The key notion being that all those who take interest in their own education should have the ability to do so freely. Through this scholarship scheme, we wish to focus particularly on migrant women who are doubly ostracised, both by their status as migrants, and by their gender.

Aim of the Scholarship Scheme

The aim of the scholarship scheme is to: 

  • Promote female education. 
  • Encourage female empowerment and agency.
  • Support disadvantaged individuals
    who wish to improve their job prospects.

Eligible participants

Migrant women can apply for this
scholarship scheme if they have:

  • One of the following statuses:- Asylum-seeker/applicant for international protection, Refugee, Subsidiary Protection, Temporary Humanitarian Protection (THP/N), Specific Residence Authorisation (SRA), Victim of Human Trafficking.
  • A clean police conduct.

Eligible courses

Course can be selected from any institution providing courses in Malta listed in the register available in the following URL:


All courses, and/or associated expenses indispensable for the course, are eligible for consideration, but priority will be given to areas leading to long-term career opportunities and/or those relating to entrepreneurship, management, leadership and motivational roles. 

Note that course fees by state entities might be waived. Check out: Exemptions from Tuition Fees at State Educational Institutions      


The scholarship grant is disbursed as follows: 

  • Initially the student has to pay 20% of the course fees while the scholarship covers the remaining 80% (paid directly to the course provider).
  • The student is reimbursed the initial 20% upon proof of completion of the course.
  • The money must be used within a year of the application being approved. 

N.B. The scholarship grant cannot exceed €500 and cannot be used in conjunction with other funding sources for the same course. 

