We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It

Humanism is important because we need to realise that Human values are a worthy pursuit to ensure the success of our species and its future generations. We understand that the responsibility for ushering this new future is within our hands and our hands alone, not in the external agency of a supernatural force, and this is more understood in communities becoming more and more pluralistic. In today’s realities, Humanism is a light that shines a path to focusing on our common humanity, rather than our differences, to foster democratic dialogue in better, stronger, freer communities.



Constitution Consultation

Secularism is not about the imposition of atheism or  agnosticism, but rather calls for the separation of church and state, and equal treatment for all. We question why Catholic principles should be given legal precedence in our Constitution. Read more here

Voice For Choice Coalition

We are part of the Voice for Choice coalition. We do not promote abortion, but support women’s bodily autonomy and right to choose. Read more here

Assisted Dying

“These are not easy decisions but in the meantime, people with genuine cases are requesting euthanasia to end their suffering. The lack of this right is tantamount to torture for these people.”
“To protect the dignity and autonomy of the patient, the law needs to be precise and unambiguous – safeguarding the wellbeing of the patient and precluding the possibility of abuse.” Read more here

Body Donation

Humanists Malta fully supports and encourages the donation of bodies for the education of health professionals, and for scientific research. Read more here

Living Wills

Living Wills would enable competent adults to give instructions about the medical care which they consent to, or reject, if they are unable to make or communicate decisions at the relevant time. (They would not, of course, allow for requests for any treatment, such as assisted dying, which are contrary to law.) Read more here

Sex Education

Adolescents in Malta are sorely underinformed about safe sex and sexual health. We strongly believe that far more, unbiased and scientifically-based, sex education programmes are needed urgently in our schools. We are currently seeking funding to start a project on this. Read more here

Cremation Campaign

Since 1963 the Roman Catholic Church has not prohibited cremation unless it is chosen as a way to deny Christian teaching. With the support of Humanists Malta, cremation services have been legal here since May 2019. So far no regulations to govern crematoria have been established, but a crematorium in an extension to the Addolorata cemetery is under discussion. Read more here

Ethics Education

The Malta Humanist Association has been a strong proponent of the introduction of ethics education in Maltese schools. Unfortunately, to date, many schools remain without this option. Read more here

Recent Posts

5 days ago

Humanists Malta
🌿 Thinking About Leaving the Church? Here’s What You Need to Know 🌿For many, leaving the Church is a deeply personal decision, reflecting a journey towards a life guided by personal beliefs and values. If you’re considering taking this step, it’s important to know your rights and the process involved. ✨Our latest article explores what it means to leave the Church in Malta, the practical steps you need to take, and why this choice can be a meaningful part of your path towards authenticity. Whether you’re seeking more alignment with your values or simply want to explore a different path, this guide is here to support you. 🤝🔗 Read more here maltahumanist.org/leaving-the-church/ and find out how to make the change.Leaving the Church doesn’t mean abandoning community or values—it can be an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a commitment to human dignity, compassion, and reason. 🧠💡#LeavingTheChurch #Humanism #HumanistsMalta #PersonalGrowth #FreedomOfBelief #YourRights ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Humanists Malta
"🌿 The Labels project has come to an end, and our youth workers had an incredible week of learning and growth in beautiful surroundings.This experience allowed them to renew their skills and reflect on their important work with young people in our community. We’re excited to see the positive impact they’ll bring back with them! 🌟 Associazione Vagamondo #YouthEmpowerment #LabelsProject #PersonalGrowth" ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Humanists Malta
Moviment Graffitti in collaboration with the Embassy of Palestine in Malta, the Watermelon Warriors, Youth for Palestine, and Ġustizzja mal-Palestina, is organizing a demonstration on Sunday, 6th October, at 3.00pm, starting from Parliament Square. This event marks one year of the ongoing genocide in Gaza.We strongly believe in the power of international solidarity and the urgent need for tangible action from all countries, including Malta, to end Israeli aggression, occupation, and the ongoing genocide.#standwithPalestine #JusticeForPalestine #solidarity #standwithPalestine🔗 Event details: www.facebook.com/events/2057658194691054/ ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Humanists Malta
It is deeply concerning to hear about the removal of Moviment Graffitti 's stand on women’s reproductive rights at the University of Malta by the KSU. This act undermines freedom of speech, particularly on an issue as vital as reproductive rights. We stand firmly against any attempt to silence discussion around bodily autonomy and reproductive justice. Open dialogue, especially on university campuses, is crucial for a healthy, democratic society. We call on KSU - Kunsill Studenti Universitarji to uphold free expression and support critical conversations rather than stifle them. #FreeSpeech #ReproductiveRights #Humanism #HumanistsMalta🔴 KSU censoring student discussion at University of Malta⛓️ After removing our stand under the cover of night, the KSU - Kunsill Studenti Universitarji has allowed us back on our stand but banned items discussing abortion. Despite around 500 people in Malta accessing abortions every year, amongst them youths and university students, KSU claims that abortion is too “contentious” of an issue to be discussed at Freshers’ Week, and that doing so is a “disservice to the entire debate”. This is a pathetic and anti-feminist excuse considering the many "contentious" issues we work on.👩‍🎓 University is meant to be the hub of discussion, and banning students from talking about stigmatised issues like abortion only fuels the existing taboo. Furthermore, KSU is a full member of the European Students’ Union which in a Resolution at BM84 affirmed that safe and legal abortion should be enshrined in law and that vulnerable individuals should be able to access abortion safely and without intimidation. It is thus ironic and unacceptable that KSU is attempting to censor discussion on abortion during one of the University’s most important weeks.♀ The pamphlets on our stand containing information on family planning services, contraception and abortion are completely legal and safe. On the contrary, for at least 8 consecutive years and as recently as last year, KSU accepted funds from the Life Network Foundation for a prominent position during Freshers’ Week where they lured students with free doughnuts and slushies in exchange for deliberately wrong misinformation on abortion. This included promoting the baseless and potentially fatal procedure of so-called ‘abortion reversal’.❗ Not only have student organisations been relegated to a crowded tent away from the main quad, but KSU is also policing the material provided at our stands, undermining the entire concept of the University as a safe space for debate and critical-thinking.✊ This is not our first time being censored at Freshers’ Week, and we will certainly not bow down to censorship now. We remain steadfast in our fight for social justice.We will be here today and tomorrow until 3:30pm. Visit us to know more about our organisation, especially our work on abortion. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Humanists Malta
📢 Join us this Saturday for a Pro-Choice Rally in Valletta!Together, we stand for the right to choose and the protection of women's reproductive rights. Let’s unite for compassion, bodily autonomy, and freedom.🗓 Date: This Saturday⏰ Time: 5:00 PM📍 Location: Castille Square, VallettaEveryone is welcome! Let’s show Malta that we support a future where choice is respected and valued. ✊💙#ProChoiceMalta #HumanRights #StandForChoice #HumanistsMalta ... See MoreSee Less
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The Ramon Casha Fund was set up in 2016 to promote education to the most disadvantaged in society. The key notion being that all those who take interest in their own education should have the ability to do so freely. 

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I don’t think we should ever allow religion the trick of maintaining that; the spiritual, and the beautiful, and the noble, and the altruistic, and the morally strong, and the virtuous are in any way inventions of religion or particular, or peculiar to religion

Stephen Fry

The meaning of life is not to be discovered only after death in some hidden, mysterious realm; on the contrary, it can be found by eating the succulent fruit of The Tree of Life and by living in the here and now as fully and creatively as we can.

Paul Kurtz

Unfortunately, strong political affiliations, religious dogma, skin color, language differences and uneven wealth distribution have the power of separating us, human beings. These are cosmetic differences, some of which are unnecessary.

We are more alike than we think and if we support and tolerate one another, no matter where we come from, and if we plan for those who will succeed us, the world would be a much better place.

Vannie Pule

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