





Supporting Your Journey

Whilst Malta is generally tolerant of the non-religious, it’s not uncommon to hear of individuals or groups who need support while thinking of leaving, or after having left, a religious community and/or religious cult. Humanists Malta want to do what we can to help.

We are currently supporting ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Awake2Freedom group (, but are ready to talk to any other individual or group, regardless of religious background, who need help to think through their attitude to religious belief or the implications of abandoning it.

helpingHand_ladderWe put no pressure on anyone to retain, change or leave a religion, or ascribe to any other worldview. We only want to help you work through doubts you might have; it is human nature to ask questions. You don’t need to find, and we would never seek to impose, a particular alternative label for yourself; everyone must find their own way (and humanism isn’t a substitute for religion).

It is a human right not to believe but, for some, leaving their religion can be a complicated, challenging process. Those who leave their faith might be shunned by family and friends, leading to confusion, isolation – even anxiety and depression. When this happens, we also want to offer support.

Several of our members have experiences of transitioning from religion. You can find a recorded talk of our current chair, Christian Colombo, sharing his experience of leaving a very religious group and eventually losing the Catholic faith altogether.

Do contact us if you think we can help you:


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