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6 days ago

Humanists Malta
🌍 Journey with Labels: Empowering Youth Workers!We're excited to announce the "Journey with Labels" training in collaboration with Associazione Vagamondo happening from September 25 to October 4, 2024, in Italy! This initiative aims to equip youth workers with the tools to understand and combat stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination. 🌟Who can apply?* Youth workers, volunteers, and individuals working with organizations* Aged 18-35 from eligible countries* Those facing or working with youth facing fewer opportunitiesπŸ“’ Apply now and make a difference!Link for more details and application form: humanistsmalta.org/journey-with-labels/ Let's create a more inclusive and compassionate world together!#HumanistsMalta #JourneyWithLabels #YouthEmpowerment #FightDiscrimination #Humanism ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Humanists Malta
πŸ’” Discover Humanist Alternatives to Religious FuneralsIf traditional religious funerals don’t resonate with you, you’re not alone. Many share your sentiments, seeking more personal and meaningful ways to honour their loved ones.🌟 Humanists Malta is here to help! 🌟We offer non-religious funeral options that celebrate the life and values of the deceased. Our certified humanist celebrants create personalised ceremonies, bringing comfort and closure to friends and family.✨ Learn More:πŸ”Ή Make your wishes known with a β€˜Living Will.β€™πŸ”Ή Humanist ceremonies can be held at gravesides or other locations.πŸ”Ή Explore organ and body donation, and cremation options.For more information, visit our new webpage: humanistsmalta.org/when-someone-dies/ and read our letter to Times of Malta in the image attached.#HumanistsMalta #HumanistFuneral #NonReligiousFuneral #LivingWill #OrganDonation #CelebrateLife #EndOfLifePlanning ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Humanists Malta
πŸ“’ Important Update! Humanists Malta, with support from Humanists International, delivered a verbal statement at the 8th July UN meeting! 🎀 This was one of only six statements accepted from stakeholders.πŸ”— Watch our statement: youtu.be/FXT7I_FesGA We addressed the Catholic Church's influence on critical issues like abortion, sexual and reproductive health rights, sex education, and ethics education. Our joint submission with aditus elaborates on these concerns humanists.international/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Written-Submission-Humanists-Malta-and-aditus_... We also urged the Maltese government to implement without delay the recommendations accepted from member states on establishing a human rights body and a comprehensive equality and anti-discrimination law.Join us in advocating for a fairer and more compassionate Malta! πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ή#humanistsmalta #humanistsinternational #UNStatement #humanrights #equality #malta ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Humanists Malta
Thank You to the University of Malta Philosophy Department!We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Philosophy Department Philosophy at UM at the University of Malta for hosting the Philosophy Summer Festival last Wednesday. The talks were inspiring, and the engaging and thoughtful discourse was truly enriching. A massive well done to our chairperson, Prof. Christian Colombo, for his contribution as well.It was wonderful to meet, engage, and share ideas with so many new people. A special thank you to our followers who came over to say hi and a special shout-out to our young followers. Your enthusiasm and support mean the world to us! 🌟#philosophyfestival #humanism #umphilosophy #engageandinspire #humanistsmalta ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Humanists Malta
πŸ“’ Reminder: Philosophy Summer Festival Tomorrow at Campus Hub! πŸŒžπŸ“šJoin us at the Philosophy Summer Festival happening tomorrow, July 3rd, from 5 PM to 11 PM at the Campus Hub! This exciting event is a celebration of thought, ideas, and dialogue, bringing together enthusiasts from all walks of life to explore the many facets of philosophy.Humanists Malta will have a stand at the festival, and we would love to see some friendly faces there! Come by and say hello, engage in stimulating conversations, and learn more about our initiatives and activities.The festival will feature several intriguing discussion panels, including one by our very own chairperson, Prof. Christian Colombo. For more details on the panels and other festival highlights, check out this article: Questions Abound: Philosophy Festival (www.timesofmalta.com/article/questions-abound-philosophy-festival.1094578)Don’t miss this chance to delve into deep discussions, meet like-minded individuals, and enjoy a thought-provoking evening. See you there! 🌟✨ #PhilosophyFestival #HumanistsMalta #CampusHub #IntellectualDiscourse #CommunityEvent ... See MoreSee Less
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Our latest blog posts

2024 – Q2 update

Kindly find the slideshow with updates from Q2 available: here

2024 – Q1 update

Kindly find the slideshow with updates from Q1 available: here

Q3 Video Update

The presentation accompanying the video below can be accessed here https://youtu.be/ze8SnkeEayQ  

Our committee member Soroush has been granted refugee status

Great news! Our committee member Soroush has finally been granted refugee status. His is just one of many stories of those seeking asylum. Read his story below. β€˜I am 34 years old. I had a normal early life in one of the smallest cities in Iran, but started to think...

Concerns on Malta’s freedom of religious belief (UPR Submission)

Humanists Malta co-operated with Aditus on the 4th UPR submission on Malta to a UN review of human rights in Malta, covering a number of serious concerns about Malta's commitment to justice and equality. Our contribution highlights shortcomings concerning freedom of...

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