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2 days ago

Humanists Malta
Day 3: Wrapping Up Our Study VisitToday marks the end of our study visit in Oslo, and we are heading back home. Yesterday's sessions were incredibly thought-provoking as we discussed the outputs, outcomes, and impacts of human rights projects. We also engaged in a meaningful discussion about whether it is possible to change an individual's racist or discriminatory position, and whether it is our role to try and change these views or to respect and understand their perspectives and experiences.It was a challenging topic, and we explored the balance between advocating for human rights and respecting individual viewpoints. What are your thoughts on this issue? Can we, or should we, strive to change such deeply held beliefs?That's all from me for now. Thank you for following my posts throughout this journey!P.S We managed to find some time for sightseeing after the sessions! TERRAM PACIS SOS Malta aditus Right 2 Smile ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

Humanists Malta
Day 2 in Oslo – Lunch Break Update!This morning, we delved deeper into human rights work by engaging in some hands-on activities. We were divided into two groups and tasked with identifying minority groups in Malta whose human rights are being violated. This exercise was very insightful as we brainstormed on the rights holders, responsibility holders, and duty bearers for these groups.Understanding these roles is crucial as it forms the planning stage of any human rights project. Now, we’re moving on to the second step: the implementation phase. This session promises to provide practical strategies and tools for effectively addressing human rights issues.Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this learning journey! SOS Malta aditus Right 2 Smile TERRAM PACIS ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

Humanists Malta
End of Day 1 in Oslo!Today has been a very insightful start to our study visit. We kicked off with an introduction to human rights, followed by an engaging discussion about human rights protection and the various actors involved. We also explored participatory democracy and the human-rights approach, delving into how these principles are implemented in practice.One of the key takeaways from today is that human rights are not always black or white. They can be quite subjective, and there are instances where protecting the rights of one group can impact the rights of another. This nuanced understanding is crucial as we work towards fostering a more inclusive society.The sessions today where with 3 representatives from aditus, Right 2 Smile and Għaqda Mużikali Immakulata Kunċizzjoni Ħamrun respectively. It was great to exchange ideas and experiences with them.Looking forward to tomorrow's sessions and thinking about how we can apply these insights back in Malta to enhance our human rights efforts.Stay tuned! ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

Humanists Malta
Hello from Oslo!Martina here, representing Humanists Malta. I’ll be taking over this page for the next three days to give updates on a study visit I’m attending on human rights.I’ve just arrived and will be starting the training workshops today. Together with representatives from 3 other organisations in Malta, I’m looking forward to gaining new knowledge and insights that we can bring back and implement in our community in Malta.Stay tuned for updates in the coming days!SOS Malta Right 2 Smile aditus TERRAM PACIS ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Humanists Malta
📣 Rethinking Values and Leadership 🌍Check out our latest post inspired by a recent Times of Malta article discussing the decline in religious beliefs and its impact on leadership and societal values. timesofmalta.com/article/rethinking-values-leadership.1095567#Echobox=1721539988 Key Points:- Examines whether societal issues stem from declining religion.- Highlights the role of neoliberalism in current challenges.- Showcases positive grassroots initiatives addressing these issues.Let’s use this opportunity to rethink our values and build a more inclusive and compassionate future.#HumanistsMalta #Leadership #Values #Community #SocialJustice #TimesOfMalta #CompassionJoin the Conversation! Share your thoughts on modern society and building a more inclusive community. 💬✨ ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Humanists Malta
🌍 Journey with Labels: Empowering Youth Workers!We're excited to announce the "Journey with Labels" training in collaboration with Associazione Vagamondo happening from September 25 to October 4, 2024, in Italy! This initiative aims to equip youth workers with the tools to understand and combat stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination. 🌟Who can apply?* Youth workers, volunteers, and individuals working with organizations* Aged 18-35 from eligible countries* Those facing or working with youth facing fewer opportunities📢 Apply now and make a difference!Link for more details and application form: humanistsmalta.org/journey-with-labels/ Let's create a more inclusive and compassionate world together!#HumanistsMalta #JourneyWithLabels #YouthEmpowerment #FightDiscrimination #Humanism ... See MoreSee Less
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Q2 2023 Update

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Q1 2023 Update

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Freedom of Speech

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Living Wills would enable competent adults to give instructions about the medical care which they consent to, or reject, if they are unable to make or communicate decisions at the relevant time. (They would not, of course, allow for requests for any treatment, such as...

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