Human Rights Education Programme

by Terram Pacis in Oslo

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Humanists Malta’s Participation in the Human Rights Education Programme

We are immensely grateful to have participated in a transformative study visit to Oslo, hosted by Terram Pacis and funded by the ACF Malta Programme under the Bilateral Initiatives Fund. The aims of this opportunity were to empower youth representatives from Maltese NGOs through a comprehensive human rights education programme. The initiative supported the enhancement of active citizenship, the promotion of human rights, and the development of civil society capacity. The visit was designed to offer participants an opportunity to learn from Terram Pacis, an NGO dedicated to human rights education and youth empowerment in Norway.


    Martina Camilleri - Participant

    “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in this study visit. This enriching and transformative experience provided valuable insights and skills that will significantly benefit Humanists Malta and our efforts in human rights education. The programme covered essential topics, from introductory sessions to detailed workshops on human rights education, democracy, active citizenship, and the roles of human rights defenders. A special thanks to our trainer, Joseph from Terram Pacis, whose expertise and interactive sessions made the training effective and enjoyable. The organisational support from SOS Malta ensured a seamless trip, allowing us to focus on the learning experience. Overall, this visit has broadened my understanding of human rights and active citizenship, inspiring new project avenues and further advocacy for a just and equitable society.”

    From Our Diary

    Day 1: 22nd July 2024 – Arrival in Oslo
    We all arrived in Oslo, greeted by the cooler air and the serene atmosphere of the city. The flights were long but smooth, and I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation for the days ahead. After settling into our accommodation, we went for a brief walk around the area, soaking in the Scandinavian atmosphere, and looking for a place for dinner! It was a lovely meal while getting to know the other participants.

    Day 2: 23rd July 2024 – Getting to Know Each Other & Essentials of Human Rights Education

    The day began with a hearty breakfast, after which we gathered in the meeting room for the first session. The “Get to Know Each Other” activity was a fantastic way to break the ice and learn about the other participants and their different work in the community. We reflected on our views about human rights and discussed who makes human rights laws.

    Our trainer, Joseph, led us through a presentation on the essentials of human rights education. We delved into the stakeholders of human rights, how violations occur, and the role of democracy in protecting these rights. Joseph’s engaging style and in-depth knowledge made the session truly impactful.

    After lunch, we continued with a session on human rights advocacy, activism, and the limitations on freedom of expression. The day ended with a workshop on the right to freedom of association and assembly, discussing the roles and responsibilities of human rights defenders. At the end of the day, we had some time to sightsee the centre of Oslo, also thanks to the lovely weather and long daylight hours. Dinner was lovely, giving us participants a chance to connect and reflect on the day’s learnings.

    Day 3: 24th July 2024 – Rights-Based Approach & Planning for Application

    Today’s sessions began with an instructional presentation on the rights-based approach. Joseph explained the concepts of inequality and discrimination, the importance of intersectional approaches, and the principles of meaningful participation, non-discrimination, and accountability.

    We participated in a workshop to apply these concepts, analysing national policy frameworks and considering risks and lessons learned. This hands-on approach helped us understand how to integrate a rights-based approach into our own projects effectively.

    After lunch, we learned about turning youth projects into transformative interventions during the design and delivery phases. The final workshop focused on planning and designing community-based participatory and rights-based youth interventions. The day’s sessions were incredibly practical, providing tools and strategies that I am eager to implement back home.

    The evening concluded with a lovely dinner, where we shared our experiences of the training course and discussed potential local collaborations.

    Day 4: 25th July 2024 – Departure from Oslo

    We packed our bags and prepared for our return to Malta. It was another long day of flights and delays, but everyone was happy after the experience. This study visit has been an eye-opening experience, filled with learning, inspiration, and new friendships. I left Oslo with a deeper understanding of human rights education and a renewed passion for advocating these rights within my community. I am grateful to SOS Malta and Terram Pacis for this incredible opportunity and look forward to applying what I have learned to make a positive impact.



    The study visit to Oslo provided valuable educational experiences and insights. The programme equipped Humanists Malta’s representatives with essential skills and knowledge to further human rights education and advocacy in Malta, reinforcing the organisation’s mission to promote democratic governance and social cohesion. Based on the insights gained, Humanists Malta plans to explore future projects focusing on youth empowerment and human rights education. These collaborations aim to create sustainable interventions that address the unmet needs and rights of youth in Malta.

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